8 Essential Back to School Tips for Highly Sensitive Children: A Smooth Start to the New School Year

The new school year is approaching, and for many children, this brings both excitement and nervousness. However, for parents of highly sensitive children, this transition can be particularly challenging. The significant changes, noise, and hustle can be overwhelming for your child, leading to overstimulation and stress. How can you ensure that this transition goes as smoothly as possible? Here are eight proven tips to help your child start the school year off right.


1. Visit the New Classroom: Help Your Highly Sensitive Child Get Acquainted with the Environment

For highly sensitive children, a new environment can quickly cause anxiety. By visiting the new classroom with your child beforehand, the space becomes familiar. This way, your child knows what to expect, which helps them feel calmer at the start of the school year. If a classroom visit is not possible, ask the teacher to send a short video.

Challenge: Unfamiliarity with the new classroom can cause stress.

Solution: A visit beforehand makes the environment familiar.


2. The Spot: A Safe Place on the Playground

The playground can be chaotic, especially during the first days of school. Knowing where your child should stand when the bell rings can prevent a stressful moment. Ask the teacher to designate the spot for your child so they can go there directly. Or ask the teacher to send the information in advance, and review it with your child.

Challenge: Uncertainty on the playground can lead to anxiety.

Solution: A designated spot provides comfort and calm.


3. Ask What Makes Your Child Nervous: Find Solutions Together

Talking with your child about what makes them nervous about school can provide surprising insights. Sometimes it's the smallest things that cause significant worries. By finding solutions together, your child will feel understood and supported.

Challenge: Nerves and uncertainty about the first day of school.

Solution: Talking and finding solutions together eases the worries.


4. Create a Guide for the Teacher: Help Your Child Be Better Understood

One of the most valuable back-to-school tips is creating a "guide" about your child for the new teacher. This document includes essential information such as what your child likes and dislikes, which helps the teacher get to know your child better and more quickly. This not only builds trust with your child but also allows the teacher to respond to your child's needs quickly.

Challenge: Teachers don't immediately know your child's unique needs.

Solution: A personal guide helps the teacher understand your child better.

Request Your Free Guide!

Curious about the guide you can fill out with your child for the new teacher? Request the PDF via [email protected] and receive a handy tool to help your child be better understood in class.

information for teacher about your child

5. Prepare the School Bag: A Stress-Free Morning

The first day of school can be hectic. Ensure that the school bag is ready the night before. This prevents unnecessary stress and ensures a calm start to the day.

Challenge: Morning stress due to a chaotic start.

Solution: Preparing the night before ensures a calm morning.


6. Choose Comfortable Clothing: Avoid Extra Stimulation for Your Highly Sensitive Child

Clothing can be a significant source of discomfort for highly sensitive children and can quickly fill their sensory "bucket." Therefore, choose comfortable, sensory-friendly clothing that does not cause extra stress. At SAM, you'll find clothing, socks, and underwear specifically designed for sensitive children, with super soft fabrics, a seamless feel, and no irritating labels.

Challenge: Uncomfortable clothing can lead to overstimulation.

Solution: Sensory-friendly clothing ensures comfort throughout the day.


7. Tools in the Classroom: Support for Highly Sensitive Children with Stimulation

More and more classrooms now have tools like headphones available that your child can use when things get too much. Ask the teacher if it's okay to bring your own headphones if they aren't already provided. Additionally, fidget tools can help improve concentration and reduce stress. Regulating stimulation throughout the day will help prevent your child from "exploding" when they get home.


Challenge: Difficulty concentrating and sitting still.

Solution: Tools like headphones, fidgets, and weighted products help channel stimulation.

SAM offers stylish, subtle solutions that are not distracting in class. You can find them HERE.


8. Relaxation After School: Time for Recovery

After a busy school day, your child needs time to relax and unwind. Ensure a calm environment at home where your child can relax. This helps release the built-up stimulation from the day. Weighted products can also help your child quickly de-stress. Think of weighted stuffed animals or a weighted collar.

Challenge: Overstimulation after a long school day.

Solution: Rest and relaxation after school ensure recovery.

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Request Your Free Guide!

Curious about the guide you can fill out with your child for the new teacher? Request the PDF via [email protected] and receive a handy tool to help your child be better understood in class.


Discover SAM Sensory & More: The Solution for Sensory-Sensitive Children

SAM Sensory & More offers the perfect solution for sensory-sensitive children, teens, and adults. What started as a search for comfortable and stylish clothing for a highly sensitive son has grown into a wide range of clothing that is both beautiful and super soft, without any noticeable seams or labels. Our products are ideal for children who are sensitive to stimulation, such as highly sensitive children, children with autism, ADHD, or gifted children.

At SAM, you'll find seamless socks, seamless underwear, and sensory-friendly clothing that perfectly meets your child's needs. Additionally, SAM offers stylish and subtle ways to regulate stimulation with fidgets, chew elements, and weighted products.

Want to learn more? Visit the SAM website for our full collection and discover how SAM Sensory & More can make a difference for your child. Do you have questions about how our products can help your sensory-sensitive child? Feel free to email [email protected], and we will be happy to assist you.

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