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Ida's experience with the AIR slim SAM trousers
18 Dec 2022
Dressing up can be a tricky matter, for sensory sensitive people. Skin-irritating features appear. Even buying a new set of good sweatpants is a challenge. I tested the sensory friendly brand SAM sensory clothing after I got this brand as recommendation.
Fantastic! As soon as I put the trousers on, it was clear that it brings a high level of comfort. The material is super-smooth, I can’t feel any tightness even though they have a fitted style. They fit my bottom and waist perfectly, ...
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Fantastic! As soon as I put the trousers on, it was clear that it brings a high level of comfort. The material is super-smooth, I can’t feel any tightness even though they have a fitted style. They fit my bottom and waist perfectly, ...