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Benutzerkonto anlegenEpisode "My beautiful life": An Luyten from SAM sensory & more explains how this special clothing line for sensory sensitive children started

Niet alle kinderen kunnen evengoed om met de prikkels die dagelijks op hen afkomen. Daarom heeft SAM prikkelvrije kleding ontwikkeld. An legt ons in deze aflevering van 'My Beautiful Life' uit hoe deze speciale kledinglijn ontstaan is.
Klik HIER om naar de aflevering van "My beautiful life" met SAM te gaan.
Bedankt Cynthia Reekmans voor het fijne ontvangst en de getoonde interesse in SAM.
Not all children can handle the stimuli that come to them every day. That is why SAM has developed stimulus-free clothing. An explains to us in this episode of 'My Beautiful Life' how this special clothing line started.
Click HERE to go to the episode of "My beautiful life" with SAM.
More about SAM sensory & more:
SAM is unique because of the combination of fashion & well-being and thus ensures wearable well-being. SAM develops the products together with experts and tests the products with stimulus-sensitive children.
The SAM collection consists of socks, underwear, T-shirt, pants, hoodies super soft organic cotton without tactile labels and with a seamless feel.
And from subtle beautiful accessories for the stimulus seekers such as fidget stress ball, biting elements, weighting.
SAM arose from the experience of mama An and her search for clothes for her highly sensitive son. Read the story here.